Listen, look and have a go. That's how you learn, said Mr Know!

Friday 30 March 2012

Term 1

The Water Cycle!

This term we had a science focus on Water. To study the water cycle we followed an inquiry model. The inquiry model has 6 stages Activate, Enquire, Investigate, Organise, Use, and Action. Here is briefly how we followed this cycle when studying water.


This is where Miss Tupai showed us lots of books, stories, photos and diagrams of different things to do with water. As a class we had lots of brainstorms about what we knew about water. We even learned a water song.


As a class we talked about what is a question and how to ask good questions. We practiced asking questions during news time and then had a think about all the things we had looked at during the Activate stage. Miss Tupai helped us come up with the question "Where does water come from?"


Luke experimenting with water
We had so much fun with water. We did lots of experiments. We made steam, we froze water, we tried to make clouds. We also used the rainbow fish story for art. We made our own.
Part of our rainbow fish art
At this stage we talked about where can we find our answers? What places can you go. We came up with theses answers.
A book, the computer, ask mum and dad, Miss Tupai, Make a phone call, A scientist. Even ask ourselves because we think we already know :)


With Miss Tupai's help we started to organise our information so that it made sense to us. We were able to organize our information into diagrams as a group
Our diagram of the water cycle. We did these in groups of 4.


We decided to make a video of us explaining the water cycle, you might have to listen carefully to some of it as we forgot to talk into the microphone in the computer. But we tried really hard to make a video that told people about what we now know about the water cycle.


Please watch and enjoy our movie that we have made with our new knowledge on the water cycle. Please leave us a comment. (Please keep in mind that we are 5 and only had 1 whole term at school) 

We have been learning a lot in Room 6!!!


  1. What a great video Room 6!!! It looks like you have learnt a lot this term about The Water Cycle. Well done :)

  2. Thank you for showing us areally cool movie, now I know heaps about the water cycle. Ben Lamont.
    You guys are really smart and cute. Brieley
    I can see you guys worked really hard on the video. Chloe
    You guys have done a really good job of showing us the water cycle. Melissa
    COOL!!! Jericho
    Amazing work Room 6!! Mrs Callander

  3. Maddison Corse-Scott2 April 2012 at 12:50

    I liked doing the water experiments the most in room 6.

  4. Wow Room 6. We really enjoyed watching your awesome video on the water cycle! We can tell that you have learnt a lot about the water cycle - you might have to come and teach us!
    Great job!
    Room 2 and Mrs Latu

  5. I am so impressed by the children of Room 6 and Miss Tupai - what an interesting topic to learn and done in such a fun way! Keep up the good work.

    Rose (Connor's Nana)

  6. to room6 i like your water cycle work
    from Aaliyah C

  7. I really like the water cycle in room 6
    love Tia
